The Premium Solution for Sterile & Cytotoxic Drug Compounding

Sep 03, 2014

The Premium Solution for Sterile & Cytotoxic Drug Compounding

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Pharmacy Compounding Aseptic Isolator

Pharmacy Compounding Aseptic Isolator

Pharmacy Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolator (Recirculating)

Pharmacy Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolator (Recirculating)


Barrier isolation system provides inherently superior sterility compared to open fronted clean air devices such as laminar flow clean benches and Class II biological safety cabinets. USP797 guidelines specify that isolators may be situated in an area subject to less severe environmental controls compared with open fronted clean air devices.

The Isoclean® Pharmacy Compounding Aseptic Isolator is suitable for work involving non-hazardous materials. The work zone and pass-thru interchange are under positive pressure to the room in order to maintain sterility in case of a breach in the barrier isolation system. Negative pressure models should be selected for antineoplastic or cytotoxic compounding applications.


Cytotoxic Safety Cabinets

Cytotoxic Safety Cabinets

The Esco Cytoculture™ Cytotoxic Safety Cabinet is the premium solution for cytotoxic/antineoplastic drug processing, providing the highest level of patient, pharmacist and environmental protection. This revolutionary product builds on Esco’s experience of more than 20 years as a global leader in biological safety containment technology.

The unique demands of handling and preparing cytotoxic drugs for use in chemotherapy require a specialized cabinet. As cytotoxic drugs cannot be inactivated by chemical decontamination, Class II biosafety cabinets should not be used. With this in mind, Esco has developed a highly specialized range of cabinets designed especially for handling these potentially dangerous drugs.